Indigo laser and Cosmetic gynecology Center

Mommy Makeover
Motherhood is undoubtedly a beautiful experience which can be a physical and emotional ride. Although it is a beautiful experience it has some serious effects on the mother’s physical appearance .Pregnancy and lactation can also take a huge toll on one’s appearance and negatively affect the mother’s self-confidence and quality of life. To solve these issues , Mommy Makeover is a combination of non-surgical and surgical procedures to restore her pre-pregnancy shape.
The three most important areas of concern
It is a very dynamic organ and can undergo various changes. Loss of volume post-lactation can lead to upper pole flattening or sometimes sagging. Some women may have enlarged breasts leading to physical strain such as shoulder/back pain, macerations, etc. Here are some before and after procedure images.
Pregnancies can cause sagging of skin and loose skin is always an issue when it comes to fitting into the right clothes. Unlike what is wrongly propagated, loose skin can never be corrected by exercising or spending hours in your gym Here are some of the before and after images .
With multiple vaginal deliveries, the muscles can get loose and this can in turn cause weakening and loose vagina. This looseness can cause unpleasant sounds or loss of sensation during sexual intercourse. 
Liposuction / HI-EMT
To remove fat from certain areas of the body , we use various techniques like coolsculpt cryo-therapy , liposuction and HI-EMT . All these technologies in combination can help women lose fat and increase muscle tone without going to the gym.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Mommy Makeover?

For women’s
Best Cosmetic Gynecologists Society in Chennai. The only board-certified Cosmetic gynecologist who performs laser surgical and non-surgical aesthetic gynecological procedures in Tamil Nadu, India.
Indian Cosmetic Gynecologists Society