EMSELLA service in Chennai

EMSELLA service in Chennai What is an EMSELLA? Stress incontinence is when urination occurs as a result of pressure being placed on the bladder. This could be from sneezing, coughing, laughing, or exercising. A weakened pelvic floor muscle is often the underlying cause of incontinence […]

G-SHOT service in Chennai

G-SHOT service in Chennai What is a G-SHOT? The G-shot is a G Spot Amplification (GSA), a small injection of collagen filler that’s placed inside the vagina into the G-spot. The G spot when stimulated may lead to strong sexual arousal, powerful orgasms, and potential […]

Mommy makeover service in Chennai

Mommy makeover service in Chennai What is a Mommy makeover? Hello momma! Can you bounce back into your prepregnancy skin? Free sides every mom gets with pregnancy and after the birth of little munchkins are saggy tummy (mummy tummy), vaginal laxity, saggy boobs, pee accidents […]

Menopause and HRT service in Chennai

Menopause and HRT service in Chennai What is Menopause and HRT? Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity. The clinical diagnosis is confirmed following the stoppage of menstruation for twelve consecutive months […]

Carboxytherapy Service in Chennai

Carboxytherapy Service in Chennai CALL NOW Introduction: The term “carboxytherapy” today denotes predominantly the utilisation of CO2 gas ininjection form. Carboxytherapy therapeutically applied carbon dioxide injections have been used in balneotherapy since 1932. In the last two years, however, this treatment modality has become the […]